2 hours Session


Hypnosis & Regression Therapy guides you to the subconscious mind which has trouble letting go of events and converted them to traumatic memories that are affecting you.

The therapy is ideal for people with: phobias, anxiety, depression, procrastination, PTSD, panic attacks, procrastination, childhood difficulties, focus, weight and smoking.

Clinical Hypnotherapy – Regression Therapy

You may be carrying a huge amount of trauma both psychically and emotionally from other lifetimes and your childhood which is effecting current day thoughts and actions.

It’s very beneficial and transformative to go to the source of the trauma either physical or emotionally and resolve it.

These could be fears and Phobias, Anxiety and Depression, Procrastination, PTSD or Panic Attacks. It can shift unexplained body pain, health issues and past life traumas carried over to this life-time.

You can use Hypnotherapy for other areas in your life such as weight management, anxiety, quitting smoking, HypnoBirthing and focus. The information we hold in our mind and the ability in our unconscious mind is endless.

Enjoy the following meditation for removing worries / Anxiety

It is very quick and effective for fear, anxiety, unresolved pain sand metaphysics (why emotions are effecting the body). It can be take one session lasting 2 hours or 3 sessions depending on complexity of the trauma.

If the trauma is from a past-life, it won’t be cleared until that it resolved. Think of a weed. If you chop it off, it will keep coming back. You need to pull it up by the root. 

We usually work on life goals or our lives purpose over many lifetimes. Not just one. It’s beneficial to look at patterns over many lifetimes.

Some people benefit from the ‘experience’ when they live it, breathe it and FEEL it, it becomes more believable and more effective, as well as bubbling and clearing that energy. Energy and emotions are unlikely to clear simply by being told. They need to be lived.

As all of these traumas are held in the subconscious part of the brain, this controls all emotions and actions. Hence why past life regression or hypnotherapy is the quickest and most effective way of resolving and transforming emotions and trauma. The body has trouble letting go.

As well as working with clinical hypnotherapy for weight loss, smoking, focus and anxiety and Hypnobirthing. 

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