Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

The inability to receive support from others is a trauma response….Fear of trusting yourself and others , extreme independance is avoidance

Had A Past Life Dream?

Had A Past Life Dream?

Memories from your past lives don’t always come when you’re meditating or in a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session.. Some of the most vivid past life recalls can come through dreams; some can be revealed during childhood, and others emerge later in life.

No-one ever told me!

No-one ever told me!

"No-one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear" - CS Lewis . Today I dumped the toothbrush.. Such a trivial small natural occurrence for many people and yet for me this toothbrush has been lying side by side with my own in its glass pot for over five years.....

The Constant Helper!

The Constant Helper!

If you put everyone else first, and prioritise their health and time over your own time and energy, this article may be written for You. It can be an addiction or it can be simply a pattern. Becoming self aware of your own needs can often be the hardest journey you...