2 hours Session

€250 Online or  In-person

Who were you in another life? Designed for an empowering spiritual experience, visiting a past life or higher consciousness Become empowered with hidden knowledge, learned new abilities, and awakened their senses during these sessions.

Past Life Regression Hypnosis

Past Lives are an incredible way to access abilities and hidden information.

You may wish for a past life journey to a positive experience to bring in that energy and information. Giving your mind new information and a “map” for a positive future.

The information we hold in our mind and the ability in our unconscious mind is endless. People also carry over trauma from previous lives in the body and in irrational fears which can lower their vibrations reducing their sense of fulfillment.

Birthmarks and scars are common to carry over and can be cleared and understood from a metaphysical aspect. Imagine being blind and seeing in a past life. Or being able to visit different countries and generations without leaving your own home.

A past life can be very real and you take on and re-experience that different body and life experiences.

A nice light level of trance that works perfectly in person or via zoom.

This short video beside will help you prepare for your own session, or feel free to watch some clients chatting about their sessions below:

The following is intended to help you understand the techniques behind past life, why a session may be beneficial and if your are considering one top tips on how to make it a successful one .

Are you are ready to become your own past life practitioner?

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