Clinical & Spiritual

Meet Triona Sheeran

Thank you for visiting the page. Triona Sheeran is a Clinical & Spiritual Therapist, specializing in ways to access higher consciousness, awareness, and self-healing modalities and as Inner awareness for consciousness and exploration.

Transforming you to source, using various techniques including Dolores Cannon’s QHHT Method (level 3), she also has dedicated years in assisting clients removing Trauma they may be carrying that’s affecting them, living the happiest fulfilled life possible, empowering you, and healing the mind. Having spent years reaching the highest standards and proud to be offering life-transforming sessions.

Gaia TV

Triona Sheeran, a highly respected LBL and QHHT Level 3 Practitioner, is a featured guest speaker on the acclaimed docuseries “Journeys Into the Soul” on Gaia TV. This emotionally captivating series showcases Triona’s exceptional skills in guiding individuals through profound hypnotherapy sessions, uncovering deep insights and healing.

In “Journeys Into the Soul,” Triona employs powerful techniques like Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Michael Newton’s Life Between Lives (LBL) method. Each episode delves into the subconscious memories of participants, revealing past lives, childhood experiences, and spiritual insights that offer clarity and purpose.

The series emphasizes shared human experiences and the potential for personal transformation, showcasing Triona’s dedication to helping individuals find deeper meaning and healing. Her presence on “Journeys Into the Soul” underscores her status as a leading figure in the field of hypnotherapy and spiritual healing.

For more information on Triona Sheeran and her work, please explore our Services section or Contact us directly.

Learn More about “Journeys Into the Soul” on Gaia TV.


QHHT®. Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis

An Incredible unique way of awakening and Healing. QHHT Level 3 Practitioner Ireland

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠  Truly Transformational and designed to be one session

Average is 5 Hours In-person Only

* discount code available if rebooking in 4 months 

Life Between Lives Hypnosis Regression

This session is a spiritual journey through Hypnosis where you will be guided beyond birth into time in the spirit realms and connect to your soul memories.. Access Soul Groups. Soul Purpose. Experiencing your soul contracts written first-hand and Connecting to your Guides and Elders.

Available online via Zoom or In person

Average 4-hour session Online or In person

Trauma and Transformatiton 

Going deeper into transformaiton has never been easier. We will be working together over 6 weeks over zoom to get to the root of any fears, phosbias , self love bioudanrys and deep rooted anxiety. Primary focus will be on tools such as "Inner Child Regression / Shadow work, Hypnotherapty,  reframing menmories, DBT and Psyology tools. 

950  Euro